Residence Central Park Prague

Added: 05.02.25

Author: Nazar Bushev

Our company offers to buy and to rent attractive new flats with layouts from 1+kk to 6+kk and houses in the residential complex Central Park Praha.

The discussed project is an example of a new-generation living. The complex is made up of ten high-rise glazed buildings hinged in the shape of a horseshoe connected by three-storey terraced terraces. Clients are offered a wide choice of apartments, maisonettes and penthouses in towers, as well as modern terraced houses. Each of the variant is luxurious and has a terrace or front garden, including also a parking space.


Central Park attracts candidates not only for its its high quality, but also for its location. Located in Žižkov, close to the heart of the city, it has excellent transport accessibility by car, by public transport as well – Žižkov Nákladové nádraží tram station is 150 meters far from the house.

Civic amenities

There is a complete civic amenities nearby:

– Restaurants
– kindergartens,
– schools,
– theater,
– cinema,
– clubs,
– post,
– polyclinics,
– sport center
– Palác Flóra
– for Central Park residents there is a spacious private park of 15,000 square meters, where is also located the restaurant. The park itself is adjacent to one of the largest Prague parks – Parukářka.

All entrances to the buildings of the complex, garages and the private park are on the security chips.


In 2010, architects who built Central Park Prague won the National Architecture Award in the New Building category.

Central Park is the unique option of luxury living in the wider center of Prague.

Need help?

Call us or fill out the form
and we will contact you soon

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