Author: Nazar Bushev
Education System in the Czech Republic
As a relocation company, today we want to discuss the education system in the Czech Republic. We will share its key features and practical aspects, which are especially relevantfor our clients. This topic is important for many of our clients planning to move or alreadyresiding here.
Duration and Structure
Compulsory school education in the Czech Republic lasts for 10 years and is conducted in Czech. Full school education takes 13 years.
• Education in public schools is free of charge. Private schools charge tuition fees.
• The academic year begins on September 1 and ends on August 31 of the followingyear. It is divided into two semesters, with the second semester starting in February. Classes are held Monday through Friday.
• Holidays:
o Summer: 2 months (July and August)
o Autumn: 2 days
o Christmas: up to 14 days
o Mid-year: 1 day
o Spring: 1 week
o Easter: 1 day
Preschool Education
• Nurseries: Available for children from 6 months old.
• Kindergarten (Mateřská škola): Available for children aged 2 to 6 years.
Note: Education for children over 5 years old in the final year before entering primary schoolis mandatory and free in public institutions. This education can be completed in a kindergarten, preparatory classes, or in the form of homeschooling, subject to certainconditions. Preparatory classes help children develop cognitive skills, strengthen socialabilities, and build a foundation for successful learning in primary school. These classes are organized at primary schools, but most children with deferred school attendance remain in kindergartens.
Primary Education (Primární vzdělávání)
From ages 6–7 to 15, children attend basic schools (Základní škola), which is a mandatorypart of the system. This stage combines primary and lower secondary education.
Note: School readiness plays a key role in a child’s successful adaptation to newrequirements. It is assessed by specialists based on physical development (e.g., fine and gross motor skills), intellectual readiness (logical thinking and concentration), emotional maturity (emotional regulation), and social skills (interaction with teachers and peers). Readiness isevaluated by educators, psychologists, and doctors, as these aspects are closelyinterconnected.
Secondary Education (Sekundární vzdělávání)
After completing basic school (age 15), students can pursue one of the following forms ofeducation:
• Secondary General Education (Střední vzdělání): Lasts 1–2 years.
• Secondary Vocational Education (Střední vzdělání s výučním listem): Lasts 2–3 years at vocational schools (Střední odborné učiliště, SOU).
• Secondary Education with a Maturita Certificate: Lasts 4 years, provided at grammarschools (Gymnázium) or secondary specialized schools (Střední odborná škola, SOŠ).
Note: Admission to grammar schools is highly competitive, with students applying fromacross the Czech Republic and other countries. Entrance exams require thorough preparation.
Higher Education (Terciární vzdělávání)
The Czech Republic is renowned for its universities with rich traditions. For example:
• Charles University (established in 1348): The oldest university in Central Europe.
• Czech Technical University (established in 1707): The oldest technical university in Central Europe and the oldest civil technical institute in the world.
Currently, the Czech Republic has:
• 26 public universities
• 2 state universities (Police Academy and Academy of the Ministry of Defense)
• 48 private institutions
• Education in public universities is free when conducted in Czech. However, additionalfees may apply for administrative services, study materials, or entrance exams. Students also bear the costs of accommodation and meals. State-subsidizeddormitories and cafeterias reduce these expenses.
• Admission is open to graduates of grammar schools and specialized secondary schoolswho have passed the final Maturita exams.
The Smart Relo team will help you choose the right educational institution. Trust ourprofessionals to make your relocation smooth and comfortable.
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